Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016

Happy new year

Happy new year to all! The past year has been filled with wonderful memories. Although I did not spend the year of 2015 traveling internationally, I did travel domestically and accomplished so many things but not without challenges.

The beginning of 2015 started off with a road trip to Florida, began my first year of clinic (externship) outside of school, traveled to San Antonio for a convention, began my research, received a few scholarships, traveled to Denver for a leadership program, spent a semester working in the city, visited Minnesota, obtained awesome blog collaborations, and created a new name and concept for the blog. Now I am back in Florida to end a year and begin another. In a few days, I will be on a cruise to the Carribean with my family and boyfriend. I am so excited!

I have worked very hard all year to get where I am now and I am very proud of it. Yet I had to sacrifice time with friends because of it. I hope I can make up for lost time with this new year. I even had to stop working because it did not fit with my schedule so I could not earn money and spend as I pleased. As I approach my last year in graduate school, I want to become more experienced in my field, stay fit, become more independent, and appreciate the time I have with family and friends.

I am thankful for those who have stayed by my side and given me endless support. Looking forward to another great year and I hope you do too! Now enjoy this collage of outfits I have worn throughout the year of 2015.